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            As I wrap up my senior year and my study of cellular & molecular biology and writing, respectively, I find myself in a reflective state. I ask myself, where am I now that I have completed the construction of this website? What have I learned? 

            I've learned that I wanted to make the parapsychology data presented here more accessible to the public; I've learned that I wanted to critically consider and engage with others regarding the intersection of psi phenomena and western science; I've learned that I am driven by a sense that we all deserve to have a whole understanding of the reality in which we exist. 

           If nothing else, this exploration has led me to a more careful, informed opinion regarding the existence of psi phenomena. And yes, I still do believe that these phenomena exist, although my understanding of how and where and why they might exist is much more nuanced than before.  

            I sincerely hope that this exploration has led you to a more careful, informed opinion as well, regardless of whether you are a counter-advocate of psi, an advocate, or something in between. 

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